Saturday, August 5, 2023

Traffic Ad Bar Review

A unique traffic exchange platform

Traffic Ad Bar is a free traffic exchange platform that allows you to drive visitors to your website by viewing other members’ websites and ads. In this review, we will look at how Traffic Ad Bar works, what are its features and benefits, and whether it is worth your time and money.

What is Traffic Ad Bar?

Traffic Ad Bar is a website that was founded in 2009 by Darren Merrett. It claims to be more than just a traffic exchange, as it provides you with three different ways to get exposure for your website:

  • Members who are surfing: You can earn points by viewing other members’ websites and ads, and use those points to get your website shown to other surfers.
  • Daily emails: You can receive daily emails with links to other members’ websites and ads, and earn points by clicking on them. You can also get your website featured in those emails if you have enough points.
  • Network ads: You can place a widget on your own website, blog, or social media page that shows other members’ websites and ads. You can earn points by displaying the widget, and also get your website shown on other members’ widgets.

How does Traffic Ad Bar work?

Traffic Ad Bar uses a point system to rank your website on a ladder that determines how much traffic you will receive. The more points you have, the higher you will be on the ladder, and the more visitors you will get.

There are 18 levels on the ladder. Each level has a different number of slots for websites, and a different number of visitors per day. For example, level 1 has 0 visitors per day, while levels 10 and above has 1,022 visitors every three days. These are extra visitors, on top of the ones you will be generating by surfing.

You can earn points by surfing other members’ websites, clicking on email links, displaying the widget, referring new members, or through upgrading your account. You can also earn bonus points by completing certain tasks, such as surfing a certain number of pages per day or per month.

Your points are valid for 30 days, after which they expire. This means that you need to keep earning points to maintain your position on the ladder and your traffic flow.

What are the benefits of Traffic Ad Bar?

Traffic Ad Bar offers some benefits for marketers who want to increase their traffic and exposure. Some of them are:

  • Free to join: You can sign up for Traffic Ad Bar for free and start earning points and traffic right away.
  • Multiple ways to earn points: You can choose how you want to earn points, whether by surfing, clicking, displaying, or buying. You can also earn bonus points by completing tasks or referring others.
  • Multiple ways to get exposure: You can get your website shown to other surfers, email subscribers, and network widget users. You can also get featured on the homepage of Traffic Ad Bar if you have enough points.
  • Targeted traffic: You can select up to three categories for your website, such as business, health, or entertainment. This way, you can get more relevant traffic from people who are interested in your niche.
  • Tracking and analytics: You can track your traffic statistics and performance on Traffic Ad Bar’s dashboard. You can see how many visitors you have received, how many points you have earned, and how you rank on the ladder.

What are the drawbacks of Traffic Ad Bar?

Traffic Ad Bar also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of before joining. Some of them are:

  • Maybe low quality traffic: The traffic that you get from Traffic Ad Bar may not be very high quality, as most of the visitors are only interested in earning points and not in your website content. They may not stay long on your site, click on your links, or take any action.However, most of the times Traffic Ad Bar performs exceptionally well.
  • High competition: The ladder system is very competitive, as there are limited slots for each level and many members competing for them. You need to earn a lot of points to reach the higher levels and get more traffic. You may also lose your position if you don’t keep earning points regularly.
  • Widget distraction: The widget that you place on your own site may distract your visitors from your own content and ads. It may also affect your site speed and performance if it loads slowly or causes errors.

Is Traffic Ad Bar worth it?

Traffic Ad Bar is a unique traffic exchange platform that offers some benefits for website owners and affiliates who want to increase their traffic and exposure. However, it also has some drawbacks that may affect the quality and effectiveness of the traffic that you receive.

If you are looking for a free and easy way to get some extra visitors to your site, Traffic Ad Bar may be worth a try. However, you should not rely on it as your main source of traffic, as it may not bring you the results that you want.

Traffic Ad Bar may be a useful tool for some website owners, but it is not a magic solution for traffic generation. You should always use it in combination with other methods, such as SEO, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising.

Evergreen tip when using Traffic Ad Bar (or any other traffic exchange)

Don't just toss an affiliate link, it will not work. Instead, create a lead capture page, collect people's email addresses, and follow up with messages that provide valuable information. Then strategically place your affiliate links in these emails.

How to join Traffic Ad Bar?

If you want to join Traffic Ad Bar and start earning points and traffic, you can do so by clicking here.

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